Naturopathic Medicine
Primary Care and Specialty Medicine using Homeopathy, Botanical Medicine, Physical Medicine, Nutrition and Counseling (including Biofeedback and Hypnotherapy).
Physical Therapy
Blending of several techniques in one session: Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, Visceral Manipulation, Lymphatic Drainage Therapy and Therapeutic Exercise.
Acupuncture according to Traditional Chinese Medicine, Japanese Medicine, and 5-Element; Chinese Herbal Medicine; Tai Chi and Qi Gong for health promotion and stress reduction.
You are NOT your diagnosis
A diagnosis is simply a label of convenience. While it helps form mental images of the symptoms you are experiencing, it doesn’t communicate what you need to do to heal yourself. Depending on your point of view or the practice philosophy of your physician, a diagnosis can be limiting or liberating.
Our body holds the memory of every thought and decision we’ve ever made. There is a saying, “If you want to know your past, look at your body now. If you want to know your future, look at your mind now.” If you are feeling unwell, your body is simply speaking to you. Illness can be a wake up call. How will you respond?
Clinic Hours + Class Offerings
OFFICE HOURS : Monday - Friday @ 1pm-5pm
- Alchemy of Healing
- learn to shift your paradigms of health + illness
- learn how energy + emotions influence your health
- learn 5 pillars of health + 5 obstacles to health
- learn 5 meditation skills to calm your mind + heal your body
- learn 5 simple home treatments to support your health + well-being
- Each class is limited to 5 students
- Location = 12360 Lake City Way NE #503, Seattle WA 98125
- Cost = $250
- Date = TBD
Please contact me if you'd like a FREE 15-30min appointment for any questions you may have regarding your health or the classes I'm offering.